Due to Tier 4 restrictions, regretfully our indoor facilities (bar, changing facilities, etc) are closed until further notice. The tennis club is functioning in a limited capacity (please see their guidance here: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/KentonLawnTennisClub) EDIT: Cricket were running indoor nets but we are awaiting Tier 4 guidance from ECB (and with indoor sports and facilities closing under Tier 4 restrictions, it seems doubtful this will be active). EDIT1: no indoor sports are permitted in tier 4, so no table tennis (unless outside) - https://tabletennisengland.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Ready-to-Return-Official-Guidance-V18_21-12-2020.pdf Our Green Lawns Montessori School is still active (though now closed for Xmas) We are still available by email, so please don't hesitate to contact us. Wishing you all health and wellness. Positive thoughts for the New Year and fresh beginnings.